The Big Trip! - Roma

London | Brussels / Zurich | Milan | Rome

All Roads lead to Rome, in Europe for a time it was literally true, but we took the train.

We stayed in the Hotel Napoleon, which is a fabulous family run hotel, where the owners still stage a weekly 'meet and greet' with the guests. As you can see cows and bikes were again in evidence.

We strolled around the streets a lot - the Metro is not that great in Rome ;-(. One thing of special interest we found was the headquarters of the Knights of Malta, they were evicted from Malta by Napoleon and now have a building in Rome which is it's own state, much like the Vatican, so Rome really has three countries within the city.

Speaking of the Vatican we managed to squeeze in an audience with the Pope (along with like a million other tourists and visited St. Peters Square. The highlight of our visit to Rome was undoubtably the Vatican Museum (enormous thanks to Judy's cousins for telling us to buy tickets online in advance and skip the three hour line to get in). The museum is by almost any measure beyond comparison with other collections of art. Save perhaps the Louvre or the Hermitage. Room after room of priceless and fabulously beautiful treasures including of course the Sistine Chapel (no pictures please).

A visit to the Villa Medici, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps and of course the real Roman buildings around the Colosseum completed a fantastic trip to a wonderful city.

The Hotel & Street Life

Knights of Malta

Another 'country' in Rome

The Pope and St Peters

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Musei Vaticani

Villa Medici

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Trevi Fountain

Roman Ruins

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All content (c) JudyAndDan.Com - June 2010