Fall 2008

Trip to Austin
Back to Austin again this time on a business trip to Dell.
The gorgeous bronze shown here is in the lobby of the Steven F Austin hotel, which is a pretty nice place to stay if you are down this way.

Dan's Helicopter
Dan got a new Helicopter at the Mall - he always wanted to have a go at flying one and this bargain gave him the chance.

Spa Repair
You never want to have to do this with your Spa, unfortunately ours has leaked slowly since it was almost new, we finally got fed up with filling it every week so got it fixed. I think it was the most expensive piece of plumbing we've ever had done!

Tanya, Joe and Rip Roy
Tanya, Joe and Rip Roy one of their dogs came over around Thanksgiving.

Judy has become all consumed by every aspect of the woolen production process, here is some glow in the dark yarn for Halloween, some beautiful hand dyed wool and if you've ever wondered how a skein gets to a ball it is done with a swift (seriously) and here you can see it in action.

First Snow
The very first snow that stuck came down today - more to follow no doubt :-(

All content (c) judyanddan.com 2008 - last updated November 30th 2008