After a snowy start to the year and the decline of Covid cases, we celebrated Judy's birthday at the Hangout Cafe in Carmel. Once it warmed up a bit Dan made more trips out and about they included Danbury Railroad Museum, the Pallasades Mall (twelfth largest in the USA) and New Milford. We also did the Open Garden tour in June where Judy's owls made an appearance and the Putnam County 4H fair in July, before it really became too hot to do much during August except lounge by the pool enjoying our new outdoor furniture, our lovely garden and the local wildlife.

We picked up our newly acquired golf clubs for some time with the simulator at the local mall. In the summer they provide deep discounts because all the serious golfers are outside, so we were able to play every week for a few months, which was a lot of fun and provided some nice "together time" away from the TV couch. We also continued our shooting hobby, both purchasing our own guns and obtaining full carry permits, which in New York is no simple thing.

We celebrated life with our friends particularly as fall approached, visiting our lovely neighbors Rocco and Lena for Thanksgiving and Bette-Ann the Sunday after. Then Judika and Sandy for our annual Hanukavent. In December we enjoyed Christmas dinner at Bernard's. Less enjoyable was dealing with the huge pine tree that crashed into the yard from our neighbors. Fortunately it happened overnight and didn't hit anything important, so overall we did okay. Christmas Day was also our 6666 day Wedding Anniversary, a nice way to wrap up the year!

It was quite a busy year in Corvon (as the model railway has become known). The far side of Grismont High St was completed and regular tram service started running. Dan delved into Arduino and got Minster Hills church clock chiming regularly on the quarter hour. Fawlty Towers apartment complex and the Town Houses were completed as part of Castle Approach. There was also new goings on in Pinezance where the Sea Wall and Lifeboat Station came to life and Minster Hill got the first set of working traffic lights.

The human sized Operators Console was also finished off along with much of the remaining signaling. There are now three wall mounted screens that show what is happening around the layout and a nice "desk" for the trackball and keyboard that control everything via computer.

Garden Tour

4H Fair

Out and About

In the garden...

Christmas Season


All content (c) judyanddan.com 2022 - last updated December 31st 2022